Anyhoo, I'm writing with Mama Kat again and I've chosen this prompt:
However, I'm going to change it up a bit and tell you about my 7 most favorite summer books (books I've read more than once).
1.) Confessions of a Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella
This book is hilarious! Becky Bloomwood will do anything to shop -- kinda like me when I am working full time! She gets herself into some pretty sticky situations. Required reading for all shoppers and the others in the series are just as good. Kinsella recently put out a new book, Twenties Girl. It's on my shelf, can't wait for it!
2.) The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo
Oh . . . good, good, good! It is a short (174 pages) book that reads like a parable. Santiago is traveling to Egypt to find his "treasure." He learns many things along the way but the most important lesson comes at the end. Coehlo is a master storyteller. You WILL learn something about yourself after reading this!
3.) Rain of Gold by Victor Villasenor
Okay, this book might take the entire summer to finish, but even if it's the ONLY book you read this summer, please do! It is the love story of a Mexican man and woman who flee to the U.S. during the Mexican Revolution. Read this for the history, the setting (SoCal!) and the romance!
4.) Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
Okay, so I'm a sucker for the everlasting love saga! I do love the history . . . you all know it's about the Civil War, right? LOL! I think I like this book so much because SOMETIMES I act like Scarlet. Not the strong, get-off-my-land-you-Bastard Scarlet, but the spoiled, bratty, who-will-I-let-get-me-my-barbecue Scarlet! ;)
5.) Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
Ah, yet another love story! But notice that the love stories I'm choosing are not the cheezy, sex-filled novels with no substance! These books are actual literary masterpieces! Everytime I read this, I STILL want to bonk Heathcliff on the head and say, "Hello! Can you give a girl a little help here?!"
6.) Betty Crocker's Cookbook
Yes, I read cookbooks! Whenever I visit the library, I check out at LEAST three. I have one beside my bed right now, as a matter of fact. I just made the Garza household's favorite recipe from good 'ol Betty last night, Macaroni and Cheese! MMMMMMMMMM!
7.) The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron
Summertime is my time to get back to writing. Something about the hot, lazy, dog-laying-beside-me kind of days that inspire me. This book is sort of the bible for writers. I've never really followed all the advice to a tee, since I feel kinda funny taking "my artist" on a date (a.k.a Me) but I do try and get back into the habit of morning pages every summer. The subtitle is A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity and the book is full of exercises that should keep away writer's block.
So, there you have it! My favorite summer books! Don't forget to head on over to Mama's Losin' It and find more workshop participants!