Today is Thursday, Writer's Workshop day! Mama Kat chooses the prompts, we answer them! I want to complete #5 today . . . seems easy and fun.
5.) What are three things we would love to know about you
My answers will be more than I hope you have already figured out by reading my blog. First -- good gossip here -- Frank and I had our first baby when we were 19 years old, married at 20. Yes, we were young, yes, our baby was at our wedding! And the BEST part? We are still together! (bet you didn't see that one coming!)
Second, I like to drink -- no, that's NOT why I got prego at 19! Sheeps! When I was teaching full-time, I'd drink every single weekend. I KNOOOW! Bad, bad, bad . . . . the good thing is, I don't do that anymore. Teach. (LOL!)
Last, my house is super tiny. And kinda messy. My room is the catch-all in the house. I even took pictures of the mess to send to the guy on Oprah who fixes up everything all nice and stuff -- Peter Walsh. Maybe I'll get brave enough one day and post them for Wordful Wednesday, of course, right after I have me a few Jack & Cokes!
Have a super day and visit Mama Kat for more writing prompts. Do it, it's fun! :)
Had #1 before Hubby and I got married, cat is so outta the bag now, right! And, yep it was about 4 months. 4 agonizing months, but so worth the wait:) Thanks for stopping by today, come back any time!
Post the pictures of you room!
I love your "gossip." You sure showed all those naysayers!!! I bet it was such a scandal at the time and now you are respected old married couple. Actually, so many of those marriages that everyone things won't work do end up working out! yay for you!
You didn't mention how sweet and kind you are... you didn't mention that you are able to see the polar opposite of something and make sense out of it...
You and Frank are an awesome couple! I am so glad I got to know you better this year in baseball!
I'm leaving this here because you don't have a link for email.
I would love it if you would do Sundays In My City. You know my family lives in Southern California (Chula Vista). I'm going to do a soft link (unofficial start) this Sunday and a hard link (official start) on the 9th.
Hope you are doing well. See you in the blogosphere, my Pretty.
I'm leaving this here because you don't have a link for email.
I would love it if you would do Sundays In My City. You know my family lives in Southern California (Chula Vista). I'm going to do a soft link (unofficial start) this Sunday and a hard link (official start) on the 9th.
Hope you are doing well. See you in the blogosphere, my Pretty.
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